Find your style in photography & improve your career through my workshops

Streetphotography & Career Workshops & Personal Branding Photography

My offer through my Lens

Career & Streetphotography Workshops

When I can teach you how to take better photographs on the street and get insights of how you can develop your career, I am in my element. I love when you have a sense of accomplishment and are happy with your results in photography and have insights how to improve your career. My approach is humorous, agile and effective.

Personal Branding Photography

I love to capture people when they are their true self. Beautiful, natural and lively. I want to see you in the best light and in action in your photos. Well photographed so that you are happy with yourself and look like a star.

Social Media Photography and Videography

I am a Career Coach and Employer Branding Consultant. My clients often need a great communication concept and then photos and videos for their Social Media. I have the gear and the know-how to make the employees of middle-sized companies look fantastic. So candidates and everyone else who is looking at the accounts of my clients know what they stand for and who they are.